Creation Myths
Divide and conquer by reading the various myths. Determine which of the myths answer the questions at the bottom of this page.
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The culture is the key to unlock this area.
Russian Myth
First there was nothing but chaos, everything was one. Then the ancient god Rod came down to earth in a golden egg, and set himself to work. First, he decided to divide the light and the darkness, and of the golden egg there rolled out the sun, illuminating all around. Behind came the moon, taking its place in the sky and the night. Then he created the vast waters around the world, and after that the vast land arose. From this land, trees started to grow, animals stepped out of the forests, and birds started to sing. He created a rainbow, to divide the land and the sea, the truth and falsehood.
Then standing up on the golden egg, Rod stopped for a moment and looked around! He was satisfied with the fruits of his labor, but he decided some things were still missing in this world, so the God breathed on the ground – and the wind rustled in the trees and out of his breath she was born, the goddess of love, Lada. He divided world into three kingdoms: heaven, earth and the underworld. First, he created the Gods, who must keep order on the ground, then he created men, and lastly a haven for the dead. In the creation of three kingdoms, through them a gigantic oak started to grow – the World Tree, which has grown from the seed thrown by the creator. Its roots are hidden in the world of the dead, bore passes through the earthly kingdom and the crown supporting the sky and heaven. He populated the kingdom of heaven by Gods. Then he together with Lada created a mighty god, Svarog. Breathing life into him, Svarog became the loyal assistant to the all creator Rod: he paved the path of the sun across the sky and the path of the moon in the sky of the night. |
Native Myth
Raven stumbles upon a fully grown man. Curious and confused, Raven goes on to question him. The man explains that for four days, he grew inside of a pea pod. On the fifth day, he emerged fully formed. When he emerged, he had a pain in his stomach. Alongside him were pools of water, and when he drank from them, the pain in his stomach stopped. The raven examined the man and then himself. Raven lifted off his mask. He stared up and down at the man, in awe of their similarities until Raven finally spoke, “What are you? From where did you come? I have never seen anything like you.” Raven had realized man shared the same form as himself.
Man shared that he had been born from a pea pod. Raven explained to the man that he had made the vine but did not realize anything would be born from it. Raven asked the man to wait for him and flew away. Raven returned with berries, handed them to man and said, “Here is what I have made for you to eat. I also wish them to be plentiful over the earth. Now eat them.” Raven then led Man to a small creek. Raven gathered clay and began to form small objects. Raven flapped his wings over the objects four times and brought them to life. |
Celtic Myth
It was said that Eiocha’s birth was so painful, she ripped off bark from a nearby oak tree and cast the bark into the ocean. This created the giants of the deep. However, upon seeing all the beasts now in the ocean, Cernunnos became very lonely. He decided to make Eiocha pregnant again, and the following births resulted in the creation of the gods and goddesses Maponos, Tauranis, Teutates and Epona. The new gods and goddesses were bored and wanted to be worshipped, so from the same oak tree, they removed bark and formed the first man and woman. Soon, Cernunnos had created an entire forest of creatures. Eiocha saw what she had helped create and returned to her true home, the sea, where she transformed into the sea goddess Tethra.
Each of the gods and goddesses had their own creations; Epona created mares and stallions; Teutates created weapons such as bows and arrows and clubs; Tauranis created thunderbolts and fire; Maponos created instruments to make beautiful music. After seeing how loved and worshipped the gods and goddesses were, the giants of the sea grew jealous and decided to wage war. Tethra emerged from the waters and imprisoned many of the warring giants of the deep, but several escaped. These escaped giants spread to the far corners of the world where they became known as the Formos. |
Yoruba Myth
In West Africa, the Yoruba tribe’s creation story starts with the chief god Olorun who ruled over the sky and the goddess Olokun who ruled all below the sky. Obatala was a lesser god who felt that there needed to be more in existence. One day, he went to the wise Orunmila, the eldest son of the chief god Olorun. Orunmila instructed Obatala to create a very long, golden chain, and gather a snail shell filled with sand, a white hen, a black cat, and palm nut. He went to all of the other gods, gathering what gold they had to offer, and from this gold, fashioned a golden chain. The rest of the objects Orunmila instructed Obatala to gather were placed in a satchel.
Obatala descended from the sky by using the golden chain, slowly lowering himself until he had reached the ground. He took out the sand filled snail shell and dumped the sand out. Next, he took out the white hen and placed her on the pile of sand. The sand the hen scattered away from the pile became land masses. Next, he dug a hole and placed the palm nut into the hole. It immediately grew into a fully grown palm tree, and from it, other palm nuts and trees sprang forth. He took the black cat from the bag and sat it down with him so they could enjoy each others’ company. After drinking bowl after bowl of wine he had made from the pine nuts, a drunken Obatala began creating beings. However, because he drank so much wine, the beings that he created were imperfect. After seeing what he had done, he swore to never create again. |
Hopi Myth
The Hopi creation story begins with Taiowa, the only creator. Taiowa decided to create Sotuknang, whom he referred to as his nephew. Sotuknang’s purpose was to create the nine universes. He accumulated matter from the vastness of space to establish nine new worlds. Taiowa instructed Sotuknang to gather water to make the sea on the solid worlds, and air to make winds. The last and final act of creation Taiowa instructed Sotuknang in was that of humanity. Rather than create the entirety of the human race himself, Sotuknang created the Spider Woman.
The Spider-Woman took dirt and mixed it with her saliva and with this mixture formed two beings. She sang a creation song and they came to life. She instructed them to go forth and create land and vibration so that the energy of the earth resonated with the energy of the creator. After this instruction, the Spider-Woman created plants, trees, and animals. Her final creation was man. She mixed her saliva with yellow, red, white, and black earth and formed four men and four women. Their only instruction was to respect Taiowa and all he had created. |
Greek Myth
There was only vast emptiness at the beginning of this Grecian tale. The only thing in existence was a black bird named Nyx. Nyx laid a golden egg and sat upon it. After many ages, the egg hatched and Eros, the god of love, arose. One half of the broken shell rose high and became the sky. The other became the earth. Eros named the sky Uranus and the earth Gaia, and made them fall in love. From their love, came children and grandchildren, but their children became fearful of the younger generation’s power. Kronus, Gaia and Uranus’ son, swallowed all but one child, Zeus. When Zeus reached manhood, he tricked his father Kronus into spitting back up his brothers and sisters, and with the help of his siblings, defeated Kronus.
With the release of the younger gods, there remained only two things missing: animals and human beings. Zeus instructed his two sons Prometheus and Epimetheus to descend to earth and created man, animals and give them each a gift. Prometheus set forth to create man and Epimetheus began to create animals. As Epimetheus completed each animal, he gave them a gift. When it was time for Prometheus to bestow a gift to his completed man, Epimetheus informed Prometheus he had already used all of the gifts. Despite it being forbidden, Prometheus gifted man with fire, a gift only intended for the gods themselves. Zeus became furious that such a gift had been given to man and punished Prometheus. He was to be bound and tortured for the rest of eternity. |
Egyptian Myth
In the beginning, only a primordial ocean, Nun, existed. From Nun, emerged a benben, a great pyramid-shaped mound. Behind the benben came the first emergence of the sun and from its ledges stood the first god, Atum, creator of all life. Previously within Nun, Atum floated aimlessly about carrying both male and female aspects. He willed himself to arise from the waters so he could create other life forms. He formed life by using his female aspect. His first two creations were his children, Shu and Tefnut.
Atum, Shu, and Tefnut joined together to form one single being, and chaos left the world. After experiencing this union and feeling the joy of creation, Atum wept. From his tears, human beings were formed. Just as the human beings were wept into creation, Shu and Tefnut mated and created the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut. When Geb and Nut were born, they held each other in such a tight embrace they could barely be separated from one another. |
Japanese Myth
Izanagi and Izanami, or “The Male Who Invites” and “The Female who Invites”, were a brother and a sister the Japanese deities created. These deities commanded that Izanagi and Izanami solidify the lands of Japan. The deities gifted a jeweled spear to the pair, and they dipped the spear into the ocean. When they pulled up the spear, the drop of water that landed back onto the ocean became the Japan. On the land, Izanagi and Izanami built a large palace and were soon married. The pair attempted to procreate and made many deities. However, when Izanami gave birth to a fire deity, she was so badly burnt that she died.
Izanagi grieved and wept, and from his tears, more deities were created. Missing Izanami terribly, Izanagi traveled to the underworld to retrieve her. Unfortunately, darkness had overtaken her and she tried to chase Izanagi out. So enraged by Izanagi’s presence, Izanami swore to kill one thousand of his creations every day. In return, Izanagi swore to create 1,500 Japanese people every single day. It is told that this is the reason why one thousand people in Japan die, and 1,500 babies are born each day. |
G 1. In this myth, humans are given fire
R 2. This myth explains the movement of both the sun and the moon.
E 3.
Y 4.
R 2. This myth explains the movement of both the sun and the moon.
E 3.
Y 4.